Blood strike is a game that has recently taken the gaming world by storm .

   The game has become a top contender for some of the big mobile gaming names like free fire,pubg,codm and warzone 

The is a big feat taken in consideration that it launched globally on March 21st 2024.

And a player count reaching millions.

Although things seem good now what might be the faith of blood strike in 2025.

Yes we all know the game has more skins than content and although they claim to listen to their players is this really the case?

Let's talk about some factors that might affect the games life span


Who remembers the payday mode or the blood crystals event this were fun times to be a blood strike player .the modes were fun and interesting it was like a refresh from the normal battle Royale.

But sadly this modes and event lacked permance and sustainability.

The normal battle Royale with two maps gets boring at some point if they could introduce a mode that was both fun and permanent the game would grow more like we see search and destroy and zombies in call of duty this would give the game more depth and more fun and engaging for players.


Yh this is a real topic seeing the game is about to turn into warzone mobile.

I play on 30fps and it's not fun .

I have skills but my device can't support me anymore. I used to play on 60fps but those days are gone now. am considering getting a high end specifically for this game soon.

I hope things get better with optimization soon.


we see skin after skin then more skins an eternal skin comes out almost every month now and we still have the same two battle Royale maps no new modes

The new guns are nice and all but netease you can do better.


now to address the elephant in the room 

How many of us have spent a huge amount of money spinning but never got the skin this is mad serious.

I know the game needs money to be successful but I feel like if the skin prices were fixed for everybody it would be more encouraging for players to spend and the game would make more money if that's what they want I have never been in support of the spinning system in any game and I hope something gets done soon.

Alright that all for today. I love this game and I want to see it thrive and become a big name but to do that it has to give the players what they want.

Let see what the future holds for blood strike 

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